imaginary-cloud / CameraManager

Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app

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Camera turn to blue screen in latest version 5.1.2

sadabios opened this issue · comments

When i change camera output mode then its show blue screen for some second
if my output mode is video with mic and change to cameraManager.cameraOutputMode = .stillImage then it show blue screen and vice versa for stillimage to videowithmic

please help its very urgent


can you provide me some code to try to reproduce this?
@torrao i upload a video i m changing camera outputmode from top bar
if cameraManager.cameraOutputMode == .stillImage{
if !checkMicPermission(){
videoStampOn = true
setRation(index: 0)
changeImageWithAnimation(imageView:self.imgViewClick,toImage:UIImage(named: "ic_video_")!)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.cameraManager.cameraOutputMode = .videoWithMic
arrImgsTop[2] = "Group 181"

               // cameraManager.cameraOutputMode = .videoWithMic
                arrImgsTop[2] = "Video"
                changeImageWithAnimation(imageView:self.imgViewClick,toImage:UIImage(named: "ic_click")!)
                       videoStampOn = false
                        setRation(index: getratioInt())
                       if imgViewlastClicked.image != nil{
                           imgViewlastClicked.fadeIn(alpha: 1)
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                                  self.cameraManager.cameraOutputMode = .stillImage

@torrao can u please suggest me a solution for this?

it's same for me :/