imaginary-cloud / CameraManager

Simple Swift class to provide all the configurations you need to create custom camera view in your app

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Screen quickly flickers black when start recording from front camera

kselvin opened this issue · comments

When I try to record using the front camera the screen quickly flickers before the recording begins.
I am going to assume this is caused by the camera doing sort of configuration right before the filming starts.

If anyone could help me out on this I'd really appreciate it!

I have commented out the metadata capture code in the startRecordingVideo() and it worked for me!

open func startRecordingVideo() {
if cameraOutputMode != .stillImage {
let videoOutput = _getMovieOutput()
// setup video mirroring

        for connection in videoOutput.connections {
            for port in connection.inputPorts {
                if port.mediaType == && cameraDevice == CameraDevice.front  {
                    let videoConnection = connection as AVCaptureConnection
                    if videoConnection.isVideoMirroringSupported {
                        videoConnection.isVideoMirrored = (cameraDevice == CameraDevice.front && shouldFlipFrontCameraImage)
                    if videoConnection.isVideoStabilizationSupported {
                        videoConnection.preferredVideoStabilizationMode = self.videoStabilisationMode
        let specs = [kCMMetadataFormatDescriptionMetadataSpecificationKey_Identifier as String: AVMetadataIdentifier.quickTimeMetadataLocationISO6709,
                     kCMMetadataFormatDescriptionMetadataSpecificationKey_DataType as String: kCMMetadataDataType_QuickTimeMetadataLocation_ISO6709 as String] as [String : Any]
        var locationMetadataDesc: CMFormatDescription?
        CMMetadataFormatDescriptionCreateWithMetadataSpecifications(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCMMetadataFormatType_Boxed, [specs] as CFArray, &locationMetadataDesc)
        // Create the metadata input and add it to the session.
        guard let captureSession = captureSession, let locationMetadata = locationMetadataDesc else {

        let newLocationMetadataInput = AVCaptureMetadataInput(formatDescription: locationMetadata, clock: CMClockGetHostTimeClock())
        // Connect the location metadata input to the movie file output.
        let inputPort = newLocationMetadataInput.ports[0]
        captureSession.add(AVCaptureConnection(inputPorts: [inputPort], output: videoOutput))

        videoOutput.startRecording(to: _tempFilePath(), recordingDelegate: self)
    } else {
        _show(NSLocalizedString("Capture session output still image", comment:""), message: NSLocalizedString("I can only take pictures", comment:""))

THANK YOU! This worked for me too. I really appreciate it!

@kselvin do you have a piece of code that reproduces this? Thanks.