imagemin / imagemin-mozjpeg

Imagemin plugin for mozjpeg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Quality option does not work under Windows

michel-kraemer opened this issue · comments

It seems mozjpeg-bin uses jpegtran.exe under Windows which does not seem to accept a -quality argument. Is there something I can do about it?


Thanks a lot. It happens under Ubuntu as well by the way.


Yes, it's because we haven't published a new release yet. Still waiting on a Windows binary.

@michel-kraemer Would you mind building mozjpeg 3.0 on Windows and creating a pull request to fix imagemin/mozjpeg-bin#7 ?

Yes, I will try and get back to you.

This was easier than I thought. Now it's up to you to integrate it 😄 Thanks for all the work!


imagemin-mozjpeg is still ingnores the quality setting on Windows.
Any movement on this?

@kevva @sindresorhus npm owner add shinnn imagemin-mozjpeg, please. I want to publish v5.0.0 to npm.

@sindresorhus Thanks!

Just published imagemin-mozjpeg 5.0.0 which uses mozjpeg 3.0.0 and supports its options.