imagemin / imagemin-gifsicle

Imagemin plugin for Gifsicle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


FilipeQ opened this issue · comments

The property optimizationLevel reduce size of .gif? Because i have a big gif and i want reduce their size but api save the gif with same size.

  1. Needs more info (OS, OS version, Node version, npm version, npm package versions, ...)
  2. Can you optimize your .gif file directly with gifsicle binary and tell us whether it reduces file size or not? If the binary can reduce file size but this plugin doesn't, indeed this is an imagemin-gifsicle issue. Otherwise, this question should be posted on instead.

With binary gifscile i get some warning (too many colors, using local colorsmaps. You may want to try --colors 256) after i use this property in comand line the gif was compressed. But api don't have this property.

@FilipeQ Thanks for the report. Would you mind making a PR to add color option to this plugin?