image-rs / image-tiff

TIFF decoding and encoding library in pure Rust

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FormatError(StripTileTagConflict) with minimal example trying to write an image

Ploppz opened this issue · comments

This is more of a request for support. Trying to use this library to create a tiff file and read it:

use tiff::decoder::Decoder;
use tiff::encoder::colortype::Gray8;
use tiff::tags::{PhotometricInterpretation, Tag};

const TIFF_PATH: &str = "a.tif";

fn main() {
    // Write
    // -----

        let file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
        let mut encoder = tiff::encoder::TiffEncoder::new(file).unwrap();

            let mut directory = encoder.new_directory().unwrap();
            directory.write_tag(Tag::ImageWidth, 1u32).unwrap();
            directory.write_tag(Tag::ImageLength, 1u32).unwrap();
                    PhotometricInterpretation::BlackIsZero as u16,
            // directory.write_tag(Tag::RowsPerStrip, 1_u32).unwrap();


        // Write image
        encoder.write_image::<Gray8>(1, 1, &[0u8; 1]).unwrap();

    // Read
    // ----

    let tiff_file = std::fs::File::open(TIFF_PATH).unwrap();

    // Get TIFF file "Image Description" tag:
    let _ = Decoder::new(tiff_file).unwrap();


thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: FormatError(StripTileTagConflict)', src/

That's the last line trying to decode the tiff file. The Tiff file cannot be opened by other programs either.

What am I doing wrong in creation of the file? As you can see I tried RowsPerStrip to disambiguate the layout but it still gives the same error if you uncomment that line.

Short answer is that write_image internally calls directory.finish() so you shouldn't call it yourself. The dimensions also get set in write_image though I think it is harmless to set them a second time. But really we should do an overhaul of the encoding API so that stuff like that is more obvious...

Deleting the directory.finish() line, I still get the same error.

Deleting the lines setting ImageWidth and ImageHeight, I get error FormatError(RequiredTagNotFound(ImageWidth)).

I don't have time to look into this right now, but this is how the image crate uses the TiffEncoder: