iliekturtles / uom

Units of measurement -- type-safe zero-cost dimensional analysis

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error[E0277]: the trait bound `<<D as si::Dimension>::L as std::ops::Neg>::Output: Integer` is not satisfied

Martinfx opened this issue · comments


i have issue in with your packages on FreeBSD 13.1, rustc 1.63.0



   --> code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/
716 |               ) -> Quantity<$quantities<$($crate::typenum::Negate<D::$symbol>),+>, U, V>
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Integer` is not implemented for `<<D as si::Dimension>::L as std::ops::Neg>::Output`
   ::: code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/si/
10  | / system! {
11  | |     /// [International System of Quantities]( (ISQ).
12  | |     quantities: ISQ {
13  | |         length: meter, L;
...   |
55  | |     }
56  | | }
    | |_- in this macro invocation
note: required by a bound in `si::Quantity`
   --> code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/
230 |           pub struct Quantity<D, U, V>
    |                      -------- required by a bound in this
231 |           where
232 |               D: Dimension + ?Sized,
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^ required by this bound in `si::Quantity`
   ::: code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/si/
10  | / system! {
11  | |     /// [International System of Quantities]( (ISQ).
12  | |     quantities: ISQ {
13  | |         length: meter, L;
...   |
55  | |     }
56  | | }
    | |_- in this macro invocation
    = note: this error originates in the macro `system` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

error[E0277]: the trait bound `<<D as si::Dimension>::M as std::ops::Neg>::Output: Integer` is not satisfied
   --> code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/
716 |               ) -> Quantity<$quantities<$($crate::typenum::Negate<D::$symbol>),+>, U, V>
    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Integer` is not implemented for `<<D as si::Dimension>::M as std::ops::Neg>::Output`
   ::: code/FreeBSD-Ports/libredefender/work/libredefender-0.6.0/cargo-crates/uom-0.21.1/src/si/
10  | / system! {
11  | |     /// [International System of Quantities]( (ISQ).
12  | |     quantities: ISQ {
13  | |         length: meter, L;
...   |
55  | |     }
56  | | }

Same problem here with rustc 1.64.0 on Ubuntu 22.04

The issue is that uom v0.21.1 is being used. rustc broke compatibility in 1.49.0. A fix is introduced in uom v0.30.0. See #210 for the full discussion.

Looking at your build log I see that the cargo update downgrades from v0.30.0 to v0.21.1 for some reason. Using v0.30.0 or later will fix the issue.