ilhamAdhim / restopedia

Front-End Expert Dicoding Submission - PWA with Core Web VItals Metrics, Mobile-First Approach, Unit Testing With Karma, and E2E with Jasmine

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This is a project that needs to be done for me to graduate from Frontend Developer Expert Course by Dicoding. The application created may be simple in terms of features. But this class put more concern to ensure robust performance by considering Metric Web Vitals which -- to my surprise -- affects many area in development phase.

In addition, there is a statistic that signifies of increasing mobile web percentage over these past few years.

Statistic Mobile Web Traffic

Knowing these facts, the question is :
> How do we make a website accessed across mulitple device while delivering its best performance ?

Project Overview

To answer such questions, we were given a case study to create a restaurant app. To deliver such high performance, there are multiple ways that are implemented in this project :
  • Clean Code Javascript
    In software development, the quality of the product includes how maintainable the program is. Some approaches are being implemented in here are:
    • SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle, Open/Closed Principle
    • ESLint for common code conventions
    • Error Handling
  • Progressive Web Apps
    This is the part where we can make our website to be used more natively while user access it through mobile phones or tablets (e.g. using push notification). Moreover, this enables offline-mode capability through configured cache management with Service Worker.
  • Automation Testing
    By implementing TDD (Test Driven Development) and making it automated, bugs can be detected earlier and easier. In this project i used Jasmine for component and API Testing. While Puppeteer is used for E2E Testing
  • Web Performance
    Either in development or production phase, we can keep track of website performance through Lighthouse. Below are factors that has been implemented and gives improved loading speed to our website :
    • Image Compression with webpack plugin
    • Lazy Load Image
    • Code Splitting with Bundle Analyzer

App Logo

Landing Page

Landing Page

List Restaurants

List Restaurants

Detail Restaurant

Detail Restaurant

Favorite Page | Empty

Favorite Page | Empty

Favorite Page | Restaurant Exist

Favorite Page | Restaurant Exist

Tech Stack

SASS Jasmine Puppeteer Webpack JavaScript

List API Used

Project Reference

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Front-End Expert Dicoding Submission - PWA with Core Web VItals Metrics, Mobile-First Approach, Unit Testing With Karma, and E2E with Jasmine


Language:JavaScript 71.7%Language:SCSS 25.8%Language:HTML 2.5%