iky / nameko-autocrud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • An experimental (slightly magical) dependency to automatically add CRUD RPC (and possibly later HTTP) entrypoints to nameko microservices.
  • Based on Sqlalchemy models.
  • Aim is to reduce the amount of code required to implement common methods.
  • Uses sqlalchemy-filters.
  • Works in conjunction with sqlalchemy dependency providers such as nameko-sqlalchemy.
  • Each dependency also can be used in other methods to get/manipulate model instances.
  • Customisable components.


from nameko_sqlalchemy import DatabaseSession
from nameko_autocrud import AutoCrud

class MyService:

    name = 'my_service'
    session = DatabaseSession(models.Base)

    member_auto_crud = AutoCrud(session, model_cls=models.Member)
    payment_auto_crud = AutoCrud(session, model_cls=models.Payment)

    def my_entrypoint(self, value):
        return value + 1

This will automatically make the following additional RPC entrypoints available:

get_member(self, id_)
list_members(self, filters=None, offset=None, limit=None, order_by=None)
page_members(self, page_size, page_num, filters=None, order_by=None)
count_members(self, filters=None)
update_member(self, id_, data)
create_member(self, data)
delete_member(self, id_)
get_payment(self, id_)
list_payments(self, filters=None, offset=None, limit=None, order_by=None)
page_payments(self, page_size, page_num, filters=None, order_by=None)
count_payments(self, filters=None)
update_payment(self, id_, data)
create_payment(self, data)
delete_payment(self, id_)

The dependencies themselves can be used to manipulate sqlalchemy objects within other code E.g.

def copy_member_name(self, from_id, to_id):
    member = self.member_auto_crud.get(from_id)
    self.member_auto_crud.update(to_id, {'name': member.name})


Customizing method names

Specifying the entity_name will customize all generated method names. list, page and count methods all use a plural form. If adding "s" is not correct, entity_name_plural can be specified.

product_status_crud = AutoCrud(
    session, model_cls=models.ProductStatus,

To customize individual methods-names, you can use the *_method_name kwargs. Setting this value to None will prevent the method from being generated.

cake_crud = AutoCrud(
    session, model_cls=models.Cake,

Customizing serialization

TODO - marshmallow examples


Nameko-autocrud includes an additional AutoCrudWithEvents DependencyProvider. This has the same behaviour as AutoCrud but will dispatch nameko events for create, update & delete actions.

from nameko.events import EventDispatcher
from nameko_sqlalchemy import DatabaseSession
from nameko_autocrud import AutoCrudWithEvents

class MyService:

    name = 'my_service'
    session = DatabaseSession(models.Base)
    dispatcher = EventDispatcher()

    payment_auto_crud = AutoCrudWithEvents(session, dispatcher, model_cls=models.Payment)

TODO - event formats - customizing event names Specifying event serializer




Language:Python 99.5%Language:Makefile 0.5%