ikhwan12 / stylegan

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Face Generator


Image Alignment

$ python align_images.py raw_images/ aligned_images/
Parameters :
  • output_size - The dimension of images for input to the model (default=1024)
  • x_scale - Scaling factor for x dimension (default=1)
  • y_scale - Scaling factor for y dimension (default=1)
  • em_scale - Scaling factor for eye-mouth distance (default=0.1)
  • use_alpha - Add an alpha channel for masking (default=False)

Latent Vector Encoding

$ python encode_images.py --batch_size=2 --output_video=False aligned_images/ generated_images/ latent_representations/ --model_url https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1oGj5qJcbk4Mt38g1k30Bhr_awZc_beM4
Parameters :
  • data_dir - Directory for storing optional models (default='data')
  • mask_dir - Directory for storing optional masks (default='masks')
  • load_last - Start with embeddings from directory(default='')
  • dlatent_avg - Use dlatent from file specified here for truncation instead of dlatent_avg from Gs (default='')
  • model_res - The dimension of images in the StyleGAN model (default=1024)
  • batch_size - Batch size for generator and perceptual model (default=1)
  • optimizer - Optimization algorithm used for optimizing dlatents (default='ggt')
  • image_size - Size of images for perceptual model (default=256)
  • resnet_image_size - Size of images for the Resnet model (default=256)
  • lr - Learning rate for perceptual model (default=0.25)
  • decay_rate - Decay rate for learning rate (default=0.9)
  • iterations - Number of optimization steps for each batch (default=100)
  • decay_steps - Decay steps for learning rate decay (as a percent of iterations) (default=4)
  • early_stopping - Stop early once training stabilizes (default=True)
  • early_stopping_threshold - Stop after this threshold has been reached (default=0.5)
  • early_stopping_patience - Number of iterations to wait below threshold (default=10)
  • load_effnet - Model to load for EfficientNet approximation of dlatents (default='data/finetuned_effnet.h5')
  • load_resnet - Model to load for ResNet approximation of dlatents (default='data/finetuned_resnet.h5')
  • use_preprocess_input - Call process_input() first before using feed forward net (default=True)
  • use_best_loss - Output the lowest loss value found as the solution (default=True)
  • average_best_loss - Do a running weighted average with the previous best dlatents found (default=0.25)
  • sharpen_input - Sharpen the input images (default=True)
  • use_vgg_loss - Use VGG perceptual loss; 0 to disable, > 0 to scale. (default=0.4)
  • use_vgg_layer - Pick which VGG layer to use (default=9)
  • use_pixel_loss - Use logcosh image pixel loss; 0 to disable, > 0 to scale (default=1.5)
  • use_mssim_loss - Use MS-SIM perceptual loss; 0 to disable, > 0 to scale (default=200)
  • randomize_noise - Add noise to dlatents during optimization (default=False)
  • load_mask - Load segmentation masks (default=False)
  • face_mask - Generate a mask for predicting only the face area (default=True)

Face Prediction (Average Method)

$ python predict.py
Parameters :
  • model_path - StyleGAN Model Path (default='model/model.pkl')
  • latent_img1 - Latent representation image 1 path (default='latent_representations/0001_01.npy')
  • latent_img2 - Latent representation image 2 path (default='latent_representations/0002_01.npy')
  • w1 - Weight for image 1 (default=0.6)
  • w2 - Weight for image 2 (default=0.4)
  • out - Output path with extension (default='result.png')
  • age - Age Coefficient where greater is getting younger (default=0)
    • -2.0 : Elder
    • -1.0 : Adult
    • 0.0 : Teen
    • 1.0 : Kid
    • 2.0 : Toddler
  • gender - Gender Coefficient where 0.5 is male and -0.5 is female (default=0)

Face Morpher

$ python morpher.py --images=<images_dir_path> --background=average --out_video=<output_path>
Parameters :
  • src - Filepath to source image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
  • dest - Filepath to destination image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
  • images - Folderpath to images
  • width - Custom width of the images/video [default: 500]
  • height - Custom height of the images/video [default: 600]
  • num - Number of morph frames [default: 20]
  • fps - Number frames per second for the video [default: 10]
  • out_frames - Folder path to save all image frames
  • out_video - Filename to save a video
  • plot - Flag to plot images to result.png [default: False]
  • background - background of images to be one of (black|transparent|average) [default: black]
  • version - Show version


License:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


Language:Jupyter Notebook 96.6%Language:Python 3.4%Language:Shell 0.0%