ikawaha / kagome

Self-contained Japanese Morphological Analyzer written in pure Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JSON array goes wrong on interactive mode

KEINOS opened this issue · comments

As of v2.6.0, the brackets come before interaction and miss the last token like so.

$ kagome version
   ipa v1.0.3
   uni v1.1.2

$ kagome -json
^Csignal: interrupt

Note the [ bracket place and first token element of "私は鰻".

The last token, "うち" with the ID 8027 of the previous sentence "すもももももももものうち" appears.

The expected behavior may be as below.

$ kagome -json
^Csignal: interrupt

This is my bad, sorry. Here's the fix and I will PR it A.S.A.P.

func printTokensInJSON(s *bufio.Scanner, t *tokenizer.Tokenizer, mode tokenizer.TokenizeMode) (err error) {
	var buff []byte

-	fmtPrintF("[\n") // Begin array bracket

	for s.Scan() {
+		fmtPrintF("[\n") // Begin array bracket

		sen := s.Text()
		tokens := t.Analyze(sen, mode)

		for _, tok := range tokens {
			if tok.ID == tokenizer.BosEosID {

			if len(buff) > 0 {
				fmtPrintF("%s,\n", buff) // Print array element (JSON with comma)

			if buff, err = parseTokenToJSON(tok); err != nil {
				return err

+		fmtPrintF("%s\n", buff) // Spit out the last buffer without comma to close the array
+		fmtPrintF("]\n")        // End array bracket

-	if s.Err() == nil {
-		fmtPrintF("%s\n", buff) // Spit out the last buffer without comma to close the array
-		fmtPrintF("]\n")        // End array bracket
-	}

	return s.Err()