ik5 / dotvim.old

My vim as IDE setup

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My vim setup

My vim IDE setup for ruby, python, html, css, javascript, gettext and more


  • vimrc handling
  • Incremental and smart case search.
  • Trailing whitespace highlightling and cleaning shortcut.
  • Logical and Visual layout (for Right-To-Left lanaguegs) editing.
  • Tabs expand to 4 spaces by default
  • Remap `<Leader> to , and jj` to<ESC>``
  • Highlight current row and color column 80
  • Extra syntax highlighting (css3, less, json, jinja, jquery etc)
  • Syntax checking
  • Snippets
  • Python completion, refactoring, navigation and docs
  • Quotes, parens etc pair, surround
  • Extended pair matching with %
  • ASCII drawing
  • Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder
  • Task list
  • VCS plugins (git, hg, svn, etc)
  • Tab completion


The following commands will clone the repo, symlink ~/.vimrc and update the bundles:

git clone https://github.com/ik5/dotvim.git ~/.vim
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc
cd ~/.vim
git submodule init
git submodule update

To add or override settings, place them in ~/.vim/vimrc.local.

To update submodules in the future:

cd ~/.vim
git submodule foreach git pull


Shortcuts and re-Mappings

Key Command
jj <Esc> in insert and command modes
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
, <Leader>
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<Leader>v Load .vimrc
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<Leader>V Activate changes to .vimrc (Make sure to save it before)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<F2> Close current split (window)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<F3> Toggle NERD tree
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<F4> Toggle search highlight
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<F5> Toggle Tagbar
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<Leader>S Remove trailing whitespace
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<CTRL>hjkl Window movement commands (mapped via MiniBufExplorer settings)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<CTRL>arrow Window movement commands (mapped via MiniBufExplorer settings)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<CTRL-TAB> Next buffer in current window (via MiniBufExplorer settings)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<CTRL-SHIFT-TAB> Previous buffer in current window (via MiniBufExplorer settings)
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-, + Resize horizontal splits
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<ALT>< <ALT>> Resize vertical splits
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------

Toggle logical (RTL, e.g: Hebrew) editing

---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
<F8> Toggle visual (RTL, e.g: Hebrew) editing
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
g/ :Ack<Space>
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
g* :Ack -w current_word
---------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
ga :AckAdd! (add results to the current search)


My vim as IDE setup


Language:Vim Script 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%