iimachines / Maya2glTF

Maya to glTF 2.0 exporter

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Which files to move into scripts & plug-ins folder after macOS build?

aaronn opened this issue · comments

Hi all, I've successfully built Maya2glTF for macOS, but it's not clear based on the instructions which files should be moved into /scripts/ and /plug-ins/ after completion.

Does anyone have a list of which files need to go into /scripts/ and which need to go into /plug-ins/? It seems like there's just a mix of files after the make command is run.

The cmake install script should deploy all files to the correct location, see here

Maybe that isn't working anymore on the latest versions of OSX, I don't own a Mac anymore.

yeah same issue here, looks like no files are deployed to the expected maya folders. Do they build to another directory first? Could be helpful if the install script put the scripts & plug-ins folders into a specified directory if there's a challenge getting it into the right Maya version folder.

Windows plugin works great, but would love to get it working on MacOS! 🙏

It's a bit difficult for me to help with this, not having a Mac anymore 😢

@aaronn it's possible you may have done the same thing I did (because it wasn't outlined in the instructions). After you run the make command, try make install. Works perfectly for me now 🤪

Thanks for the lead @psql. I'll give it a shot

make install does all the work, but it does not correctly update the shelf yet. Will make another issue for that.