igorwojda / kotlin-mutation-testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Updated repo for How to improve the quality of tests using mutation testing article.

Run Mutation Tests

Cmd ./gradlew pitest --rerun-tasks (--rerun-tasks flag is required to display cmd output in the following runs)


PIT Mutation Testing IDEA plugin Run->Edit Configurations->Defaults->Pit Runner


  1. PIT
pitest {
    setProperty("pitestVersion", "1.9.0")
  1. pitest-junit5-plugin - adds support to pitest for JUnit 5 and the Jupiter api (requires specific versions of JUnit add pitest ):
pitest {
    setProperty("junit5PluginVersion", "1.1.0")
  1. gradle-pitest-plugin - provides an ability to perform a mutation testing and calculate a mutation coverage of a Gradle-based projects with PIT
id("info.solidsoft.pitest") version "1.9.0"



Language:Kotlin 100.0%