igorshubovych / markdownlint-cli

MarkdownLint Command Line Interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

markdownlint-cli does not respect default node installation in system

Tom-Notch opened this issue · comments

Check this similar issue
This happens specifically on my arm64 edge device installed with ubuntu 18.04:

An unexpected error has occurred: CalledProcessError: command: ('/external/home/airlab/.cache/pre-commit/repomv4gd62l/node_env-default/bin/node', '/external/home/airlab/.cache/pre-commit/repomv4gd62l/node_env-default/bin/npm', 'install', '--dev', '--prod', '--ignore-prepublish', '--no-progress', '--no-save')
return code: 1
stdout: (none)
    /external/home/airlab/.cache/pre-commit/repomv4gd62l/node_env-default/bin/node: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28` not found (required by /external/home/airlab/.cache/pre-commit/repomv4gd62l/node_env-default/bin/node)
Check the log at /external/home/airlab/.cache/pre-commit/pre-commit.log

Everything in that error seems to point to pre-commit. This project does not try to install Node.js, it just runs under whatever is installed (assuming the installed Node runs successfully).

The issue you linked says basically the same thing, but with more detail.