IgorFR2 / bootcamp-GTU-DIO_oficina_DER

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Bootcamp exercise to create an auto workshop entity-relationship diagram.


  • client - Customer
    • client_id (int) - Customer id.
    • nome (text) -Customer name.
    • telefone (varchar(14)) - Customer phone number (Brazilian pattern Without special chars: (+55)(99) 9 9999-9999).
    • email (text) - Customer email.
  • endereco - Address
    • pais (varchar(2)) - BR, CA, NZ, DE, JP, CH, IS, US, IL, etc.
    • estado (varchar(50)) - State.
    • cidade (varchar(50)) - City.
    • logradouro (varchar(50)) - Street, road, boulevard or similar's name.
    • numero (varchar(10)) - Building/Apt number (ex: 123, 134 apt. 505, 123-B-505)
    • complemento (varchar(50)) - House, loft, mansion, igloo, etc.
  • veiculo - Car registry
    • veiculo_id (int) - Car's id (generated).
    • placa (varchar(7)) - Car's plate (Mercosul patter).
    • modelo (text) - Car's model.
    • ano (smallint) - Car's year fabrication.
    • cor (varchar(30)) - Car's color.
  • ordem_servico - Service order
    • ordem_servico_id (int) - Order id. One or more services compond an order.
    • cliente_id (int) - Client id.
    • data_emissao (timestamptz) - Registry date.
    • status_id (int) - Order status id.
    • data_conclusao (date) - Date when all services were completed.
    • veiculo_id (int) - Car id.
  • mecanico - Employee
    • mecanico_id (int) - Employee id. He'll evaluate and make the service.
    • nome (text) - Employee name.
    • endereco_id (int) - Employee address.
    • especialidade (text) - Employee speciality.
  • equipe - Team
    • mecanico_id (int) - Employees designated for an order.
    • ordem_servico_id (int) - Service order id.
  • servico - Services avaliable
    • servico_id (int) - Service id.
    • valor (int) - Service's cost.
    • estimativa_dias (int) - Estimated time (in days) for the service.
  • servico_contratado
    • ordem_servico_id (int) - Order id.
    • servico_id (int) - Service id.
    • valor (int) - Total service value (service and used components).
    • status_id (int) - Service status id.
  • peca - Components avaliable
    • peca_id (int) - Component id.
    • valor (int) - Price.
    • estoque (int) - Number of components avaliable.
  • peca_servico
    • ordem_servico_id (int) - Order id.
    • servico_id (int) - Service id.
    • peca_id (int) - Used component id.
    • quantidade (int) - Quantity of used components.
  • status - List of possible statuses for servicse and orders.
    • status_id (int) - Status id.
    • status (text) - Satatus description.
