igorbrigadir / twitter-advanced-search

Advanced Search for Twitter.

Home Page:https://www.twitter.com/search-advanced

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


alxzvfx opened this issue · comments

(from:alxzvfx) since:2022-07-22 until:2022-07-22 filter:nativeretweets
this search isnt working. when i get rid of the until it works but i need until to see my retweets from a specific date

since:2022-07-22 until:2022-07-22

since: is on or after (inclusive) a specified date, but until: is Before (NOT inclusive) the specified date. So you probably want:

(from:alxzvfx) since:2022-07-22 until:2022-07-23 filter:nativeretweets

To get everything between UTC 2022-07-22 00:00:00 to 2022-07-22 23:59:59

Make sure to use "Latest" and not "Top".

Also, sometimes search will fail, and there's nothing you can do - so specifying only until: allows you to scroll backwards, and you can iteratively change the query. going back in time as far as you need.

Unfortunately, the web search on twitter isn't 100% reliable and consistent.

is there no way to view my old retweets?

I think if the search keeps failing, the best thing to do is request your Archive and get them that way - https://twitter.com/settings/download_your_data