igor-toporet / container

A simple interface for function-descriptor style IoC containers

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A simple interface for function-descriptor style IoC containers

PM> Install-Package container


IoC is an overwrought, stinky little skeleton in the static language closet. There, I said it. But it is useful for distributing libraries when you want to allow consumers to swap the internal componentry. Since I have to maintain a dozen or so of these, this is the small abstraction I use to enable embedded dependency resolution.


  • Uses the function-descriptor style of registration, which, come on, is the nicest way
  • Low to no ceremony
  • Ships with Munq already embedded in it for a good default choice


Registering and resolving

var container = new Container();
container.Register<IFoo>(r => new Foo());
container.Register<IBar>(r => new Bar(r.Resolve<IFoo>()));

var bar = container.Resolve<IBar>();

Swapping the container

Container.DefaultContainer = ()=> new MyAwesomeContainer();

Why did you embed Munq?

I like Munq. It's fast enough and it's simple. But it has a few problems, mainly summed up here. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it boils down to having to wrap resolutions in a try/catch, which is terrible for high-performing applications. The Munq that ships as the default container will not throw exceptions, making it more suitable for rapid resolution and cheap tests using CanResolve. If the author ever patches it, I'll be happy to take on a dependency.


A simple interface for function-descriptor style IoC containers
