igondia / matconvnet-dermoscopy

DermaKNet: Incorporating the knowledge of dermatologists to Convolutional Neural Networks for skin lesion diagnosis.

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error in demo.m: pooling window is larger than the DATA

ZiyangLiu opened this issue · comments

I try to run demo.m
It has the following error:

Computing the diagnosis
Error using vl_nnpool
The pooling window is larger than the DATA (including padding).
Error in dagnn.Pooling/forward (line 10)
outputs{1} = vl_nnpool(inputs{1}, self.poolSize, ...
Error in dagnn.Layer/forwardAdvanced (line 85)
outputs = obj.forward(inputs, {net.params(par).value}) ;
Error in dagnn.DagNN/eval (line 92)
obj.layers(l).block.forwardAdvanced(obj.layers(l)) ;
Error in demo (line 109)

Do you know how to fix this?
Thank you very much.


in my last commit, the diagnosis network file had some errors in meta-data definition, particularly in the image sizes (which is supposed to be 256x256 and not 224x244 as in the original resnet-50). It should be fixed now.


Thank you very much. It works now.