Auto formatting and space character
Vorticity-Flux opened this issue · comments
Integer code of a space character is represented as "$\ " (dollar backslash space). Unfortunately intellij-erlang code formatter does not take it into account and removes the space following backslash.
Due to this fact some code can be broken by autoformatting. For example: <<A/binary, $\ , B/binary>>
will be formatted as <<A/binary, $\, B/binary>>
and will fail compilation. In this case workaround is simple - use ""
instead of $\<space>
However in the following case the same workaround does not work:
[$1, $2, $\ , $\4]
formats to [$1, $2, $\, $\4]
Ew, that's nasty =) I hope people don't use such escapes in their code.
It's even allowed to write code like this:
newline() -> $\
I'm not surprised github's highlighting doesn't work properly here =)
So the buggy part wasn't the formatter, but our lexer.
Thanks, @Vorticity-Flux!