ifo / dev.journal

A bunch of scripts to help with keeping a developer journal.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


dev.journal is currently a small script that will setup a journal markdown file for the day. The format is always ./<date>/<date>.md.

It will copy the previous day's entry and uses the same format as above.

Things may change at any time.


  • Allow mixed parsing of # and === titles
  • ? Allow mixed export of # and === titles
  • Determine decent topic defaults (better that "General" and "Learn")


  • Allow export of the === underlined title markdown
  • Allow import of the === underlined title markdown
  • Add parsing to allow for the manipulation of individual sections based on heading
  • Add configuration
    • ? A .journal or journal.[json|toml|...] file
    • Ended up with .devj file, currently only json expected.


A bunch of scripts to help with keeping a developer journal.


Language:Go 100.0%