Idrees Razak (idreesshaikh)


Geek Repo

Company:Warner Bros Discovery

Location:Budapest Hungary



Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Idrees Razak's repositories


Deep Reinforcement Learning (PPO) in Autonomous Driving (Carla) [from scratch]



A combination of a character-level recurrent neural-network based model and a language model applied to diacritics restoration.



This game has very same aesthetic and playing feel as its predecessors and uses one puck and 2 paddles controlled by each of the PLAYERS. Keeping the keys pressed slide the paddles either UP or DOWN to defend from being scored points. Puck moves in all direction and gets deflected when collided with a Paddle surface or Lower and Upper borders. The Player who scores 5 points first WINS the game. This is just very basic description of the Program, but more things will be found out when the Game is actually played.



The Set container class is similar to the map, except that in sets the key and value are not separated like they are in maps. In other words, in a set the key is simply part of the data and in the case of simple data type like int or char, the key and the value are one and the same. Sets provide very efficient containers when there is no need to separate the key from the data.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:3Issues:0Issues:0


This is a fun little experiment with HTML/CSS/JS.



Songs: This is a CLI (Command Line Prompt) program without any Graphical User Interface. You’ll be provided an exe. application where you can run the program. The source code can also be opened separately and its user interface depends on the IDE/Text Editor being used. A window pops up for the program to be used, and in usual cases it’s a command prompt window. The first appearance of the program shows the MAIN MENU, where you’re given 3 options to choose from. The options are: 1. Add a new Song. 2. Search any Song. 3. Exit the Program. The user can type any of these three numbers to get respective response. As this is a generic program the user has to add the songs first. Those songs will be stored in a database if the database already exist, otherwise it will create one and then store it in an empty database. With 1. as the input the user will be asked to enter the following things:  Title of the Song.  Artist(s).  Genre of the Song.  Name of the Album.  Release Date of the Song.  Length of the Song. With 2. As the input the user will be asked to the Search the Song (SEARCH MENU) according to the categories provided by the typing the following numbers which are: 1. Artist of the Song. 2. Genre of the Song 3. Album in which the song belongs. 4. Year of Release. 5. Go back to MAIN MENU. 6. EXIT the program. The number 5 and 6 are not here for the search rather they’re the added functionality that can take us back to the Main Menu or Exit the program directly from here. With 3. As the input the user can exit the program while storing all the data that was fed into the Database named Song.txt. If none was stored the program will exit with as it is as it was earlier.



The Abstract String is a programmer-defined linear ordering of objects from a finite set of objects termed an alphabet. The alphabet may be restricted to alphanumeric and punctuation characters but may also include additional mark-up information such as a new line character. Strings, unlike a more general list, are generally assumed to have information coded not only in the individual characters but also in the ordering of the characters. (The significance of an object in a general container does not usually change based on the placement of other objects within the container.)



Vector is an abstract data type, which is differ from list in their access properties. A vector is a random access data structure, whereas lists are strictly sequential access. With a list of a thousand elements it takes longer to access the last element than the first, but with a vector the times are the same. Vector can be treated as an array of objects, where each object can be accessed by its index. Vector data type supports all the standard operations as array, such as accessing elements by index value, key searching, counting and sorting elements .



Practicing my problem solving skills!



The repo is created with the mindset to explore the deployment processes to AWS cloud with the execution of Terraform code through GitHub Actions.



This repo is the challenge and shows our solution to the challenge in JunctionXBudapest 2021. We are solving a vodafone challenge. This is the first MVP of out android application.



Material for the 2020 fall edition of the course "Introduction to Python and Human Language Technologies" at BME AUT

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


A collection of Algorithms & Data-Structures



☄️ An Asteroid Mining game developed in JAVA using LibGDX and mini2Dx
