ideal / ydcv

YouDao Console Version - Simple wrapper for Youdao online translate (Chinese <-> English) service API, as an alternative to the StarDict Console Version(sdcv).

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

YouDao Console Version

Simple wrapper for Youdao online translate (Chinese <-> English) service API, as an alternative to the StarDict Console Version(sdcv).


有道翻译API 将于 2018-12-31 后停止运行,改由“有道云-有道智云文本翻译” 提供兼容的服务;目前本项目代码已经匹配升级,但是按照文档说法,有道智云API是“按量收费”,目前账户内有100元体验金,具体收费计算方式尚不明确,项目工具的用户量不明确,而又本项目开源,所用服务标识的ID/SECRET也可能被他人使用,因而此后本项目功能存在不确定性。


$ ydcv --help
usage: [-h] [-f] [-s] [-S] [-r] [-p {festival,mpg123,sox,mpv}]
               [-a {auto,uk,us}] [-x] [--color {always,auto,never}]
               [-F {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}]
               [-t {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}]
               [words [words ...]]

Youdao Console Version

positional arguments:
  words                 words to lookup, or quoted sentences to translate.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --full            print full web reference, only the first 3 results
                        will be printed without this flag.
  -s, --simple          only show explainations. argument "-f" will not take
  -S, --speech          print URL to speech audio.
  -r, --read            read out the word with player provided by "-p" option.
  -p {festival,mpg123,sox,mpv}, --player {festival,mpg123,sox,mpv}
                        read out the word with this play.Default to 'festival'
                        or can be 'mpg123', 'sox', 'mpv'.-S option is required
                        if player is not festival.
  -a {auto,uk,us}, --accent {auto,uk,us}
                        set default accent to read the word in. Default to
                        'auto' or can be 'uk', or 'us'.
  -x, --selection       show explaination of current selection.
  --color {always,auto,never}
                        colorize the output. Default to 'auto' or can be
                        'never' or 'always'.
  -F {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}, --from {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}
                        Translate from specific language. Default: EN
  -t {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}, --to {zh-CHS,ja,EN,ko,fr,ru,pt,es,vi,de,ar,id}
                        Translate to specific language. Default: zh-CHS



语言 代码 语言 代码 语言 代码 语言 代码
中文 zh-CHS 葡萄牙文 pt 韩文 ko 德文 de
日文 ja 西班牙文 es 法文 fr 阿拉伯文 ar
英文 EN 越南文 vi 俄文 ru 印尼文 id


pip install ydcv


  • Python ( >=2.7, 3.x )

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YouDao Console Version - Simple wrapper for Youdao online translate (Chinese <-> English) service API, as an alternative to the StarDict Console Version(sdcv).

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%