iddoeldor / frida-snippets

Hand-crafted Frida examples

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Snippet for making a Toast on Android doesn't work

nibarius opened this issue · comments

The snippet for creating a Toast on Android doesn't seem to work:

[Android Emulator 5554::owasp.mstg.uncrackable1]->   Java.scheduleOnMainThread(function() {
                "Text to Toast here",
                0 //
Error: makeText(): argument types do not match any of:
        .overload('android.content.Context', 'int', 'int')
        .overload('android.content.Context', 'java.lang.CharSequence', 'int')
        .overload('android.content.Context', 'android.os.Looper', 'java.lang.CharSequence', 'int')
    at pe (frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/lib/class-factory.js:549)
    at frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/lib/class-factory.js:951
    at [anon] (input:7)
    at frida/node_modules/frida-java-bridge/index.js:288
[Android Emulator 5554::owasp.mstg.uncrackable1]-> Frida.version

Known issue. I was tested on an old device, if you wish I can find time to generate a new working script.

That would be appreciated. I'm learning Frida and being able to interact with Android components feels useful. Toasts are pretty simple components so those feel like a good start.

Updated, have fun.
the error is informative enough, it seems makeText has updated and needs CharSequence instead of String

Great, thanks! I also realized that Java.Use("java.lang.String").$new("Text to Toast here") works as well.

I recently found that explains that the native javascript string needs to be converted to a Java String object.