ics-py / ics-py

Pythonic and easy iCalendar library (rfc5545)

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Strange event mutation behaviour in loop

mquantin opened this issue · comments

I wrote event.start instead of event.begin (my error).
I hardly debugged it.
Cause I observed stranges behaviour (mutation).

above loop V1 an loopv2 should return the same result, isn't it?
There is maybe something I did'nt understand...

Minimal working example:

Common part

oldestEvent  = arrow.get("18/9/2023 4:00", "D/M/YYYY H:m")
with open(calendarPath, 'r') as icsFile:
    ics_text = icsFile.read()

skiped = 0
kept = 0
c = Calendar(ics_text) 

Loop v1 (OK):

for e in c.events:
    newE = Event
    if e.begin < oldestEvent:
        skiped += 1
        kept += 1
    start = e.begin.clone() #with intermediate variable
    newE.start = start

Loop v2 (Strange): Change in line 8 of that loop

for e in c.events:
    newE = Event
    if e.begin < oldestEvent:
        skiped += 1
        kept += 1
#   start = e.begin.clone() #without intermediate variable
    newE.start = e.begin.clone()

Also when I was trying to export I got unclear error (maybe this could be improved)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/matthieu/Downloads/calendarEdit.py", line 44, in <module>
  File "/home/matthieu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ics/component.py", line 72, in serialize
    output(self, container)
  File "/home/matthieu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ics/serializers/icalendar_serializer.py", line 27, in serialize_event
TypeError: Component.serialize() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'

All of this due to the creation of an unexpected object variable "event.start"

Please try with the current alpha, which drops arrow and fixes a lot of serializer weirdness