ics-py / ics-py

Pythonic and easy iCalendar library (rfc5545)

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Basing event equality on uid

vinraspa opened this issue · comments


Short question:
currently, event equality is based on comparison of all fields but uid:

    return (self.name == other.name
            and self.begin == other.begin
            and self.end == other.end
            and self.duration == other.duration
            and self.description == other.description
            and self.created == other.created
            and self.last_modified == other.last_modified
            and self.location == other.location
            and self.url == other.url
            and self.transparent == other.transparent
            and self.alarms == other.alarms
            and self.attendees == other.attendees
            and self.categories == other.categories
            and self.status == other.status
            and self.organizer == other.organizer)

uid being unique, does it make sense testing equality of all fields and living uid aside?
Is it possible, at least, to give the user the choice?
It would also be less time-consuming.

More details about my request:
I am working with ics.py to deal with iCalendar files from ADEsoft (software managing resources et agendas in universities).
When the ics files are downloaded, the DTSTAMP field of all the events in this calendar is set to the download time.
Multiple iCalendar files may contain the same event. Problem, if they have been downloaded at different times (even 1 second apart), the equality test fails (and so does the set intersection) while the events share the same uid.
Currently, the workaround is to manually set every created attribute to some constant value when the cal is imported.


Hi !

This will be the case in the next version ! (see https://github.com/ics-py/ics-py/blob/main/doc/event-cmp.rst#equality)

(I'm closing as this is already fixed, but feel free to continue the discussion over here)