ichdasich / bbb-rec-perm

Authentication Hook for nginx to restrict access to BigBlueButton recordings

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong credentials / no login pop-up

what-ri opened this issue · comments


If a user writes wrong credentials, he is re-directed to access forbidden page. If he tries to retry to open the recording, user never gets a login box again - he has to clear his cookies in order for it to appear again.

Is there any way to prompt the script to use the login popup after failed login?

I can not reproduce that here (login popup reappears when i enter the wrong credentials, please test): https://bbb.home.aperture-labs.org/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=0f78a81048ba3453f3fea134924ec4bfdd01eb42-1590186065110

Will take a look later tonight. For that, please let me know which browser you are using.

Thanks for prompt replies!

It works fine on your instance!
I am using Chrome on Win.

Ok, than this seems to be a configuration issue on your side. I can reproduce it on your instance. Can you share your nginx configuration?

edited: nginx config - was not necessary for issue

And maybe one of the statements where you enabled auth in /etc/bigbluebutton/nginx/ ?

This is the podcast config:

    location /podcast {
            root    /var/bigbluebutton/published;
            index  index.html index.htm;
            ### Uncomment the next three lines if you want to use password
            ### authentication (see dedicated files. Create /var/www/htpasswd
            ### as an empty file with 'touch /var/www/htpasswd'.
            # satisfy any;
            # auth_basic "Restricted";
            # auth_basic_user_file "/var/www/htpasswd";
            auth_request /auth;
            error_page 403 /index.html;

SOLVED - create blank htpasswd & uncomment the lines

Can you disable these two configs and see if that helps:
<------>include /etc/nginx/bots.d/ddos.conf;.
<----->include /etc/nginx/bots.d/blockbots.conf;


I commented them out, still getting the same result.
However, if i click on Cancel for auth, it will provide 401 nginx page & i will get asked again for credentials, but if i type in the wrong user/pass i will not.

I will try to disable custom error pages & see what happens.

Uhm, only saw just now...

            satisfy any;
            auth_basic "Restricted";
            auth_basic_user_file "/var/www/htpasswd";

This must be present, and /var/www/htpasswd must exist (as an empty file). It ensures BBB collects the AUTH_BASIC credentials and puts them into the request headers for the request to auth.

That was it!
Thank you very much!

Drop me your PayPal so i can buy you a coffee! :)

I am already being paid for my work to the public. Public servant at a university n stuff. ;-)

If you want to do buy someone a coffee, i suggest one of these institutions (even 2.99 help):

Consider it done!