icechat / IceChat

IceChat IRC Client

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IceChat 9.21 consumes almost 100% of CPU on Windows 10 Pro

Naktibalda opened this issue · comments

Usually it happens right after launching IceChat.
It doesn't happen everytime, but when it does, IceChat is unusably slow for a long period of time and I have to turn it off.


I didn't turn it off this time and CPU usage went down to 0% in 15-20 minutes.

Icechat behaved well for 29 days, now it is consuming 99.5% of 1 core for 33 minutes and it hasn't even completed joining channels yet on the second network out of two networks I use.
It shows that it joined the channel at 13:07, but it doesn't display topic, users or messages yet.

It could be caused by some kind of monthly task.

Disconnecting from both networks made no difference,
After reconnecting to second network CPU usage went down.
This issue lasted 46 minutes.

When I disconnected from second network, I got this error:

[13:53.37] ERROR: OnReceivedData Exception Error:Unable to read data from the transport connection: The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous method on this class.
[13:53.37] ERROR: Parameter name: asyncResult.

Well, that is a problem with the Async Socket. Could not establish a connection.