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highlite plugin improvement

Ryder17z opened this issue · comments

[ ] Highlight only whole word matches
[ ] Highlight only exact matches

{highlight start}user1234{highlight end} string123 something
{highlight start}user{highlight end}1234 string123 something

The first one would be a major improvement


The highlighter can use REGEX to do matches, so this is already implemented.

I see. Only problem is to generate that. RegEx has always been a pain to
work with.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016, 18:22 icechat wrote:

The highlighter can use REGEX to do matches, so this is already

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It seems the Regex isn't really perfect either, as to how it is currently being used, so I will probably have a checkbox to match with Regex.
As for how to use it, a Wiki page can be made to help with some basics.


To use whole word matches, wrap the word in \b .. Example.
An exact match would be a word match as per above. This works in the current version of the highlighter.

Aha, okay.

On Mon, Sep 5, 2016, 22:18 icechat wrote:

To use whole word matches, wrap the word in \b .. Example.
An exact match would be a word match as per above. This works in the
current version of the highlighter.

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