iccir / Fermata

macOS app to deactivate the lid close sensor

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Full uninstallation?

Det87 opened this issue · comments


I uninstalled, because I don't actually want any kind of "polling" be done by the app. I liked InsomniaX in that it does just what the pmset -b disablesleep does. You just enable / disable.

Anyways, to uninstall, is it intended to remove the helper manually (/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.iccir.Fermata.Helper & /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.iccir.Fermata.Helper.plist)? Are there any other leftovers as well?

I think those are the only two files. Out of curiosity, did InsomniaX get updated to not require the disabling of SIP?


No, I guess not. The git repo is read-only (https://github.com/semaja2/InsomniaX), and the former homepage is 404 (http://semaja2.net/ye-ol-projects/insomniaxinfo/).

There's also this weird place, where you can submit macOS version test results, and High Sierra seems the last one: https://roaringapps.com/app/insomniax