ibmendoza / itjumpstart

Jumpstart your IT career

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jumpstart your IT career

ITJUMPSTART is all about promoting a self-sufficient, organic and meaningful IT career without the hassle of traditional education. To do so, I am concentrating on a few but highly capable stack of software namely Linux, nginx, MySQL, Mesos, Docker, JavaScript and Go language.

Pursuing an IT career does not require a college degree. If you want to obtain one, it is entirely your prerogative but it is not necessary. After all, the technologies of the future are not necessarily brought about by educational institutions but by IT practitioners who are constantly on the run to squeeze every ounce of functionality, usability and speed out of their product or service.

Linux is the new gold of our times. You have to mine it using just your desktop or laptop. All you need is interest, sheer determination to learn and a guide.

There are two pathways to apply what you learn: One is employment which is a short-term solution.

The other route is entrepreneurship which is either to build your own startup or go solo. Either way, this is your chance to break new ground, to break out of your shell and see what you are capable of. There is no shortage of ideas but there is poverty of implementation.

This repository is all about Web Development Fundamentals to jumpstart your path to IT domain.

Why IT Jumpstart?

See my blog post at


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (

Spread the word

All materials are free of charge. ITJUMPSTART is a social mission that complements MOOCs and online learning. ITJUMPSTART aims to provide an alternative learning system to IT.


Gani Mendoza

Twitter: ibm2100




Jumpstart your IT career



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