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Free variable writing fonts from iA

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Webkit seems to have problems with iA Writer Duospace

beingalink opened this issue · comments

Glyph spacing seems to be calculated incorrectly for the non-monospaced glyphs (w, W, m, M).
See image1 and image2. Not sure if this is a webkit issue or a font problem. Please close if this is a webkit bug.

Were you using the .ttf files or the .otf? Can you detail how/where you're implementing the font?

I tried both, no difference. This is in the textual irc app. But I also exported the channel view and opened it in standard safari on macOS 10.13.1 with the same result. Firefox works fine though.

Okay, please try the newly added web fonts.

OK, how do I do this? Do I need to create a css sheet for that? I just tried the also updated otf font and the problem is still there. Shouldn't the system fonts also just work?

In the end it might actual be a webkit bug. It's just the first time that I experience such a problem so I wanted to report it here too just to be sure. I also created a webkit issue at apple.

Haven't looked into it yet, but Webkit might interpret it as a monospaced and just force same width characters because it doesn't foresee this type of font. I have heard that some people have the same issue with Apple Mail, but can't reproduce it here.

I have a minimal example (save as .html file):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Font display error</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        html, body {font-family: 'iA Writer Duospace'; font-size: 12pt;}
    <p>Test 1: <a href="https://www.apple.com/">https://www.apple.com</a> – This hyphen clashes with the link</p>
    <p>Test 2: <b>mmmilky</b>: The colon clashes with the fat text</p>

Make sure the iA Writer Duospace font is installed and open the html file in Safari.