ianstormtaylor / superstruct

A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).

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Async Validation Support

MentalGear opened this issue · comments

I like superstruct's single SOT approach. Coming from Vest, I'm wondering if async validations can be done?

For example, check if a username is available via an API route.

@MentalGear I'd recommend separating out the username check from the other validation logic. In my experience coupling things to make them async makes it much more complicated.

Hey Ian, thanks for your reply. Could you maybe specify what issues you're referring to?
Async with await is rather fair nowadays.

Also, as mentioned, having a single source of truth is what's really attractive, and what I think is also Superstruct's aim.

@MentalGear async functions often force everything up the stack to be async too, but we'd need a way to make that not the case because many current use cases rely on logic being synchronous (if statement, TypeScript guards, argument assertions, etc.)

Async also opens a whole new can of worms — loading states, cancellation of extraneous requests, serial vs. parallel, etc., etc. So the system would need to be simple enough that Superstruct isn't required to start expanding its scope a ton to make async validation useful.

If you (or anyone else) wants to try coming up with some designs I'm open to reading them though.

How's about adding async tests to the end of the stack and only run if all sync tests succeed?

Taking a note from vest (which also only evaluates changed properties, not the whole test suite):

 * Registers test, if async - adds to pending array
function registerTest(testObject) {
    var bus = useBus();
    // Run test callback.
    // If a promise is returned, set as async and
    // Move to pending list.
    var result = runSyncTest(testObject);
    try {
        // try catch for safe property access
        // in case object is an enforce chain
        if (vestUtils.isPromise(result)) {
            testObject.asyncTest = result;
        else {
            bus.emit(Events.TEST_COMPLETED, testObject);
    catch (e) {
        throw new Error("Unexpected error encountered during test registration.\n      Test Object: ".concat(JSON.stringify(testObject), ".\n      Error: ").concat(e, "."));

@ianstormtaylor Just a use case: I'm using https://github.com/teomantuncer/node-email-check this is a email checker that asynchronously goes to DNS to check MX record of a domain in email. That's quite useful and, for sure, must be async. For now I have to skip MX validation.