ianperrin / MMM-NetworkScanner

A module for MagicMirror which determines the status of devices on the network based on their MAC or IP address

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Problem with the arp-scan

fischi87 opened this issue · comments

Hello, when i follow the readme, i get this "error" with the arp-scan

`pi@Magic-Mirror:/usr/share/arp-scan $ sudo get-iab -v -u http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/iab/iab.txt
Unknown option: u
Usage: get-iab [options]
Fetch the Ethernet IAB file from the IEEE website, and save it in the format
used by arp-scan.

'options' is one or more of:
-h Display this usage message.
-f FILE Specify the output IAB file. Default=ieee-iab.txt
-u URL Specify the URL to fetch the IAB data from.
-v Give verbose progress messages.`

what can i do?

I changed /usr/bin/get-iab according to https://github.com/royhills/arp-scan/blob/master/get-iab#L66. However I still get:

sudo get-iab -v -u https://github.com/royhills/arp-scan/blob/master/ieee-iab.txt
Fetching IAB data from https://github.com/royhills/arp-scan/blob/master/ieee-iab.txt
Fetched 1045353 bytes
Opening output file ieee-iab.txt
0 IAB entries written to file ieee-iab.txt