ianperrin / MMM-NetworkScanner

A module for MagicMirror which determines the status of devices on the network based on their MAC or IP address

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Include instructions on how to update MAC database

E3V3A opened this issue · comments


From arp-scan man pages:

The vendor decoding uses the files ieee-oui.txt, ieee-iab.txt and mac-vendor.txt, which are supplied with arp-scan. The ieee-oui.txt and ieee-iab.txt files are generated from the OUI and IAB data on the IEEE website at http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/ieee-oui.txt and http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/iab.txt. The Perl scripts get-oui and get-iab, which are included in the arp-scan package, can be used to update these files with the latest data from the IEEE website. The mac-vendor.txt file contains other MAC to Vendor mappings that are not covered by the IEEE OUI and IAB files, and can be used to add custom mappings.

check links:


@E3V3A - currently the module simply uses arp-scan to determine whether a device is online or not. Additional information (such as vendor mappings) are ignored.

What are your thoughts here?

  1. I was thinking that if you have more than 3 devices on your network, it's a bit of a PITA to id and copy/paste all the correct device MAC mappings. A simple bash should be able to get the arp-scan results and at least get you the MACs and manuf. info into config file format. Unfortunately arp-scan out-of-the-box is based on MAC lists from 2016... so is not able to id all my devices.

  2. Because some more secure conscious device manufacturers are now using MAC randomization, this make the ID process even more difficult, because the next time you connect a device that has been rebooted, it could have a new MAC and would therefore also get assigned a new IP by your router.



  • Made a PR for the script to format MAC and config fields for easy insert. The output of running the script with: ./arps2mm.sh:
devices: [
    { macAddress: "aa:bb:cc:11:22:33", name: "Apple,", icon: "mobile" },    //
  • To update the MAC data files use:
# Procedure-1 (using scripts)
# NOTE: This procedure will only update the MAC data files for arp-scan.

cd /usr/share/arp-scan
sudo get-iab -v -u http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/iab/iab.txt
sudo get-oui -v -u http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txt

# Procedure-2 (using wget)
# NOTE: This procedure will update the MAC data files in ieee-data for system use.
#       These files are symlinked under:  /var/lib/ieee-data/

cd /usr/share/ieee-data/
# Get raw IAB an OUI files:
sudo wget http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/iab/iab.txt  # 2.4 MB @ ~7 sec
sudo wget http://standards.ieee.org/develop/regauth/oui/oui.txt  # 3.8 MB @ ~2 min - This is very slow for some reason

# Convert raw files to arp-scan format:
cd /usr/share/arp-scan/
sudo get-iab -v
sudo get-oui -v

Please consider adding this to README or Wiki.


@E3V3A good work.

To keep the documentation clean, is procedure 1 sufficient or do we need to put forward both options?


Yes, Using Procedure-1 only make more sense here.
However, before I discovered P1, I had to do P2, so P1 is untested. Please test it.

The update instructions are not working,