ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.

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Add Italian translation and coloured flags

mirrormonark opened this issue · comments

Hello. I like this module. It would be possible to add 2 features. The first is the Italian translation. the second are the colored flags and insert that when approaching the date it turns red access (something similar to warn)


Hi @mirrormonark

Thanks for the comments and suggestions

For the translation, can you provide the correct translations for the following words

  • Driver
  • Constructor
  • Season
  • Round

for the coloured flags idea can you explain what you’re looking for, or perhaps mock-up a little example and I’ll take a look to see if this can be achieved

Thank you for responding.

DRIVER - PILOTA (is better for F1)
ROUND - ( i ask you what you mean, if you mean the lap number of the circuit.. has this name GIRO. if you mean the circuit is called CIRCUITO. if you mean the race number is called SESSIONE = this is Free practice, qualifying and race

for flags i mean for example: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dYZ5q5ytouo/WXTuXm-bzXI/AAAAAAAA_8k/oUfof7opzVYhO6feQI6Cjh1Ijw18QKHuACLcBGAs/s1600/world-country-flags-names.jpg

but maybe is better this https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/formula-1-flags-16145718.jpg


Thanks for the translations - they've been added to the module - please update to the latest version


Flags are already displayed in the drivers and constructors tables. By default, they are shown in grayscale. However if you set the grayscale option to false, they will display in colour.

    module: "MMM-Formula1",
    position: "top_right",
    header: "F1 Standings",
    config: {
      grayscale: false

Is this what you wanted?

goodmorning, sir.
I just checked. For my personal taste I prefer flags with round style like this https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/formula-1-flags-16145718.jpg .. but even so it's fine.. I'm asking for something extra, aesthetic level.

in the 2.0.0 version some new language labels have been introduced,

It would be great if you can add translation for the labels after the first four entries, currently still in english

"DRIVER": "Pilota",
"CONSTRUCTOR": "Costruttore",
"SEASON": "Stagione",
"ROUND": "Sessione",
"NO DATA": "No data provided by api(yet)",
"RACE_DETAILS": "Race details",
"CIRCUIT_LAYOUT": "Circuit layout",
"NEXT_RACE": "Next race",
"RACE_DATE": "Race",
"QUALI_DATE": "Quali",
"SPRINT_DATE": "Sprint",
"FP1_DATE": "Free Practice 1",
"FP2_DATE": "Free Practice 2",
"FP3_DATE": "Free Practice 3"

i see that there are already some translations made, but how can I set a specific language to appear in my module?

You can configure that for the entire mirror, see the first lines in the config files. Change the language parameter.
Instruction video here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WPqO9Erq_hQ
You probably need the value it

ohh thx, there was a problem here because im from brazil, and for some reason pt-br does not work with my translation, but ill work with pt for now xD