ianperrin / MMM-Formula1

A MagicMirror Module for displaying Formula 1 driver and constructor standings.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Module stopped working

frederik042853 opened this issue · comments

This module worked very well through the '22 season however it stopped working this week. Do we need to od anything to set it up for the "23 season.

same problem here, it just wont load anymore...


Hi @codac and @frederik042853

can you post the config you are using for the module and any errors you are seeing in the logs/console?

It didnt work for 1-2 weeks and all of a sudden without any changes it continued to work again…


Hi @codac - okay thanks for the report. I’ll close this issue for now, but if it recurs, please grab as much details from the logs as possible and let me know so I can investigate