iann0036 / former2

Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources.

Home Page:https://former2.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The code for the S3 resource generated by Former2 contains an error.

newyama opened this issue · comments

The code for the S3 resource generated by Former2 contains an error.
The OwnershipControls in the generated code contains irrelevant content. Please check. Below is a part of the generated CloudFormation code.

                Id: "Intelligent-Tiering-Archive-rule"
                Status: "Enabled"
                    Days: 90
                    AccessTier: "ARCHIVE_ACCESS"
                    Days: 180
                    AccessTier: "DEEP_ARCHIVE_ACCESS"

Hi @newyama,

Thanks for raising! Looks like there was a bad mapping in there, should be fixed up now.