iann0036 / AWSConsoleRecorder

Records actions made in the AWS Management Console and outputs the equivalent CLI/SDK commands and CloudFormation/Terraform templates.

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CFN template for "launch vpc wizard" invalid

treaz opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The CFN template created for the "launch vpc wizard" is invalid.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
0. Start the recorder

  1. Go to VPC
  2. Click on 'Launch vpc wizard'. Don't change anything, just give the name and click "create VPC"
  3. Stop recording and try to create a CFN stack with the output.
  4. CFN cannot create the stack because of the same id for all the resources.

Expected behavior
The CFN stack is successfully created.

Additional context
I've attached the invalid cfn template that was generated by the recorder.

Hi Horia,

I've got it to a point where it should create a valid template for the first VPC wizard only (ready for use in 0.3.10). They are incredibly difficult to do the mappings for so might be some time.

Thanks again for helping find these issues!

Wow, that's indeed difficult and cumbersome. You could just remove the functionality. Maybe get the plugin to show a popup that it's not a supported feature.