iann0036 / AWSConsoleRecorder

Records actions made in the AWS Management Console and outputs the equivalent CLI/SDK commands and CloudFormation/Terraform templates.

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Cognito User Pool: App Integration and Federation actions not captured

ceich opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Several of the screens in the Cognito User Pool console (post-creation) are not captured.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Cognito User Pools' in the console.
  2. Click on an existing User Pool with an App Client.
  3. Scroll down to 'Federation' and fill out the two pages, e.g. for Google.
  4. Scroll up to 'App Integration' and fill out the App Client Settings, Domain Name and UI Customization
  5. See none of steps 3 and 4 captured.

Hi Chris,

I'm currently not capturing any non-new resource calls (yet!). Which mappings are you using the tool for? (CloudFormation, Boto etc.)

Hi everyone!
I try to create/change listener for load balancer but also receive nothing.
@iann0036, Do you mean that changes for every existing resource ec2/sg/alb/route_table/etc... are not captured (if such resource was been created BEFORE button "start recording" was been pressed) ??

@val1715 Probably, yes.

Any new resources attached to those parent resources (eg. a route in a route table) would be captured appropriately, but very little "update" actions have been mapped - every action is manually mapped. I've focused mostly on the create and delete actions so far (https://github.com/iann0036/AWSConsoleRecorderGenerator/blob/master/coverage.md).

If there's a problem with something like create listener, I'll prioritise fixing that however I need to have some time in order to map all the update actions...probably several months realistically.

I'm currently not capturing any non-new resource calls (yet!). Which mappings are you using the tool for? (CloudFormation, Boto etc.)

@iann0036 I'm looking at CF output. Not sure what you mean by non-new, though; if I add a domain name under a UP, I see a POST to /cognito/data/domain with encoded form data, and a response of:

{ "success": { "code": 200, "status": "Ok", "message": "Success.", "data": {"sdkResponseMetadata":{"metadata":{"AWS_REQUEST_ID":"28dc5c05-258c-11e9-9f5a-a5d1ccb9b2c1"}},"sdkHttpMetadata":{"httpHeaders":{"Connection":"keep-alive","Content-Length":"2","Content-Type":"application/x-amz-json-1.1","Date":"Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:12:33 GMT","x-amzn-RequestId":"28dc5c05-258c-11e9-9f5a-a5d1ccb9b2c1"},"httpStatusCode":200}} }}

So maybe because CF does not support this resource, I'm not seeing it? Does another mapping support Cognito User Pool Domains?

Hey Chris,

Thanks for clarifying. I believe you're right - I'm not aware of a CloudFormation resource which creates the User Pool domains.

I've added the mappings I could find, which include Boto3, CLI, Terraform. It's available in 0.3.9 and above.