ianlancetaylor / libbacktrace

A C library that may be linked into a C/C++ program to produce symbolic backtraces

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Configuring with any autoconf version other then 2.69 fails

madebr opened this issue · comments


Running autoreconf, with autoconf 2.71, fails with the following error:

configure.ac:33: error: Please use exactly Autoconf 2.69 instead of 2.71.

The cause are the following lines:

dnl Ensure exactly this Autoconf version is used
[m4_define([_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [2.69])])
dnl Test for the exact version when AC_INIT is expanded.
dnl This allows to update the tree in steps (for testing)
dnl by putting
dnl m4_define([_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION], [X.Y])
dnl in configure.ac before AC_INIT,
dnl without rewriting this file.
dnl Or for updating the whole tree at once with the definition above.
m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]), [],
[m4_fatal([Please use exactly Autoconf ]_GCC_AUTOCONF_VERSION[ instead of ]m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION])[.])])
m4_define([AC_INIT], m4_defn([AC_INIT])[

What is the reason only 2.69 is allowed? Does the configure script use undocumented features?
Would it be ok to remove these lines?

There was similar issue #71 (comment)

Thanks for the link. I'm closing this one.

I've reconsidered this. While the version of libbacktrace in the GCC sources should require autoconf 2.69, there's no special reason to require 2.69 in the standalone libbacktrace. I've commented out the code (copied from GCC) that requires exactly 2.69.

That said using autoconf 2.71 reports some warnings about obsolete autoconf commands. I don't plan to fix those unless and until GCC starts avoiding them.