iancze / EchelleJSON

A JSON format for storing spectra taken with echelle spectrographs (astronomy)

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A JSON format for storing spectra taken with echelle spectrographs (astronomy).

While FITS seems to be an industry standard for storing echelle spectra, the formats by which it is stored inside of this file can often be quite disparate and confusing to read, leaving IRAF as the only "sure-to-work" means of reading spectra from disk. To eliminate this dependency and store only the minimal amount of information necessary for a spectroscopic fitting routine, we propose this simple, human-readable format in JSON, which is a widely used format that is readable by nearly every programming language. In this package we provide Python scripts for the writing and reading of the format. If you develop scripts in other languages, pull requests are definitely welcome! And yes, `I know this won't solve everything<https://xkcd.com/927/>`_, but it certainly makes life easier for a few packages we're developing (e.g., `Starfish<https://github.com/iancze/Starfish/>`_ and `EchelleTool<https://github.com/iancze/EchelleTools>`_).

Echelle Spectra

In contrast to single-order spectra at lower resolution, echelle spectra consist of multiple spectroscopic orders, where each order typically covers a different wavelength range. These orders may or may not have regions of wavelength overlap, and may or may not contain the same number of pixels. Therefore a simple 2D array of `(norders, nlambda) may not always work as a storage format for echelle spectra from a particular instrument.

Therefore, each spectral order is stored as a separate 1D array in the EchelleJSON format. Single-order spectra can also be stored in the EchelleJSON format as if they were taken with a 1-order echelle spectrograph.


Wavelengths and Fluxes

At minimum, (optical and infrared) spectra are the flux density [ergs/s/cm^2/Ang] as a unit of wavelength [Ang]. If your telescope reduction pipeline was generous, there might also be information about the uncertainties in the spectral extraction (the "error" spectrum), and a binary mask for bad pixels. Therefore the spectrum should provide

wl # [Ang], a 1D array of length nlam
fl # [ergs/s/cm^2/Ang], a 1D array of length nlam.
# Units may be dimensionless if the spectra are raw counts, or continuum normalized.

and optionally provides

sigma # [ergs/s/cm^2/Ang] a 1D array of length nlam
mask # [true/false] a boolean array of length nlam, true for good pixels, false for bad pixels

Routines that read in files without sigma defined might estimate it from sqrt(fl)`, if fl happens to be counts. Routines that read in files without `mask defined would assume the mask is `true everywhere. See the note about BUNIT in the Header section.


Each order of the spectrum contains 1D arrays of wl and fl (and optionally sigma and `mask) as described above. Each order is stored top-level by a key, `order_[name]`. name can be anything the user wants, as long as the name for each order is different, e.g. `order_red and `order_blue or order_01, order_02, `order_03, etc. And of course `nlam may be different for each order.


It is important to sufficiently document the provenance of a spectrum so that subsequent routines have all of the available information necessary to manipulate it during analysis. That said, many of the headers that are intrinsic to a `FITS file may be superfluous to a spectroscopic fitting code. We recommend but do not enforce the following header fields

BCV: 0.0 # [km/s] Barycentric correction, should default to 0.0 if not provided
NAME: star # the name of your target
DATE: 2016-02-26 # the date of your observation, in ISO format
BUNIT: # The unit of flux

DATE should strive to be in `ISO format<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10286204/the-right-json-date-format>`_

`SDSS<http://www.astrobetter.com/blog/2011/01/18/how-to-turn-sdss-spectra-into-an-ascii-table-ask-astrobetter/>`_ assumes `BUNIT = 1.0E-17 erg/cm2/s/Ang. Could also be ADUs or continuum.

Python implementation

Unfortunately, there does not yet exist a built-in way to encode numpy arrays directly to JSON and vice-versa. Fortunately, astropy has provided a wonderful `encoder class<https://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/stable/api/astropy.utils.misc.JsonCustomEncoder.html>`_ that nicely provides this functionality. See the EchelleJSON.py file for details.

This file provides two methods that can be used in your Python programs to write to and read from the EchelleJSON format. For the most up-to-date examples, check out test.py.


import EchelleJSON as ej

# Order 1

# Order 2



import EchelleJSON as ej
dict = ej.read()


A JSON format for storing spectra taken with echelle spectrographs (astronomy)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%