iamthad / base16-mintty

Base16 for MinTTY

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Confused how these are supposed to work with LS_COLORS , cant read a lot of text

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A lot of them themes I try with mintty, the text fades into the background with ls --color=auto, and I cant read it. I have xterm-256color. And then I have empty $LS_COLORS and no .dircolors. I would think a theme would be fully comprehensive. Are we supposed to build our $LS_COLORS to compliment the theme? That's what it seems like but that doesnt seem right , because then on-the-fly theme switching would not be possible. Why have all these cool themes if it takes hours each time to set them up. so I think im missing something.. ?

See mintty/mintty#647 (comment).
Apparently this theme is buggy (and maybe others as well).
Please fix.