iamscottxu / obs-rtspserver

RTSP server plugin for obs-studio

Home Page:https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/obs-rtspserver.1037/

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using with gstreamer as a decoder

Tinwelint78 opened this issue · comments

I have OBS version 27.0.1 (64 bit) installed on a windows 10 machine, with RTSP Server plugin v2.1.0, and the server is working fine with vlc.
I have to use gstreamer as a client though, and I have failed to make it work.
With NVIDIA NVENC H.264, gstreamer fails to connect to the stream, no matter the settings.
With QuickSync H.264 and x264, gstreamer connects to the stream but the image is very corrupted, like it is missing some important frames.
here is the pipeline that I use on gstream:
gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp://admin:@ latency=10 ! decodebin ! queue max-size-buffers=2 leaky=2 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink
here are the output settings:
RTSP server settings and what I'm transmitting:
what I'm receiving:
Are here is gstreamer diagnostic window:

Are there some settngs that I can touch to make it working?