iampawan / VelocityX

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Navigator - removeUri

carmas123 opened this issue · comments

Hi, the removeUri method of VxNavigator must find the latest index into the stack and not the first:

No we have this method into the code:

  /// remove a specific [Uri] and the corresponding [Page]
  void removeUri(Uri uri) {
    final index = _uris.indexOf(uri);
    if (index != -1) {
      final page = _pages.removeAt(index);
      final uri = _uris.removeAt(index);
      if (kIsWeb) {
      if (observers != null) {
        for (final observer in observers!) {
          observer.didChangeRoute(uri, page, "pop");

it could be:

  /// remove a specific [Uri] and the corresponding [Page]
  void removeUri(Uri uri) {
    final index = _uris.lastIndexOf(uri);   <--- CHANGE HERE
    if (index != -1) {
      final page = _pages.removeAt(index);
      final uri = _uris.removeAt(index);
      if (kIsWeb) {
      if (observers != null) {
        for (final observer in observers!) {
          observer.didChangeRoute(uri, page, "pop");

This because into a long stack we can have also the same uri into the stack and usually we need to remove the last page from the stack and not the first stacked element.
