iampawan / VelocityX

A minimalist Flutter framework for rapidly building Flutter apps.

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Null Safety issue with textStyle of VxTextBuilder. "?" Missing?

hardiklakhalani opened this issue · comments


This should be acceptable:

"Sign In".text.textStyle( Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5).make().box.makeCentered(),

Because native Text Builder works with following code:
Text("Sign In", style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5),

What I inspected:
There is a ? for null safety in Flutter's "text.dart" file.
(check out breadcrumbs navigation step in the snapshot to see in your system)

Which is not there in VelocityX's textStyle:

I'm a flutter beginner yet so I don't know push & pull like github do So If this is a bug then I'm pointing it out for a contributor.

My bad. I was putting the headline wrong way.