JP Morgan Chase weekend code challenge.
This project is a weekend code challenge distributed by JP Morgan Chase.
The OpenWeatherMap API key has changed. You will need to get your own key and replace it in the necessary file in order to run the application successfully. Thank you for your appreciation.
This project is no longer in production. Please check out [this]:( repo for current development.
Challenge Description:
We would like you to make a weather application. The app should get the current GPS location of the device, make a web-service call to fetch the weather for that location (you can use any public API), parse the response and make a model, then display the relevant data on the UI.
It is up to the developer to decide how the data will be cached for the app (if necessary), but the app should work in portrait and landscape mode, have an intuitive UI following Android conventions, and the code should be documented and polished.
We would also like to see unit testing for the app. Feel free to use JUnit and Mockito or any open source software for mocking services. You should have full unit test coverage for the services in your app, as well as individual UI components. Before a build a user should be able to run a single script that performs all unit tests and reports results to the user.
Feel free to add any other features, like multi-day forecasts, weather of neighboring cities, or maybe even weather related news.
Test and build
Run unit tests from a windows command line with the command .\gradlew test
from the project root folder.
Run instrumented tests from a windows command line with a connected android device over ADB with the command .\gradle connectedAndroidTest
Test reports for both android and unit tests can be found under the app sub directory at \app\build\reports\
Use .\gradlew assembleDebug
to build a debug APK. The apk may be found at app/build/outputs/apk/
Initial Considerations
Basic use case
Users click the launcher icon and the application starts. The user is presented with the current weather conditions as well as with a list of forecasts for future days.
Basic application flow and structures
- After the application is launched the MainActivity is started.
- The MainActivity checks for the necessary permissions and possibly starts a second activity to request any needed permissions.
- After permissions have been checked, MainActivity loads two fragments, CurrentWeatherFragment and ForecastWeatherFragment.
- CurrentWeatherFragment starts a CurrentWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask to acquire its CurrentWeatherData.
- ForecastWeatherFragment starts a ForecastWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask to acquire its ForecastWeatherData.
- CurrentWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask uses HttpURLConnection to retrieve current weather data from a weather service API.
- ForecastWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask uses HttpURLConnection to retrieve current weather data from a weather service API.
- CurrentWeatherFragment uses CurrentWeatherData to display current weather information to the user.
- ForecastWeatherFragment uses ForecastWeatherData to display forecast weather information to the user.
Which weather API?
Having no experience with the different web-services for retrieving weather data, I started by comparing popular APIs. My main concerns for the API were documentation, price structure and features. Of the many varied possibilities, I seriously considered APIs from Yahoo Weather, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), OpenWeatherMap and Weather Underground.
Yahoo Weather has good pricing, but could not accept geo coordinates. NOAA has the best pricing, but results are in XML and I want something that returns json. OpenWeatherMap and WeatherUnderground both accept geo coordinates and return json objects, but their free tiers have low calls per a minute rate and price structure that gets expensive quickly. Still, results from WeatherUnderground are ripe with data and they have good documentation. OpenWeatherMap also has good documentation and even though the resulting data is not as robust as WeatherUnderground, getting the data from json to java objects will be technically easier. OpenWeatherMap also has a nice set of weather icons. As a result of all this I have decided to go with OpenWeatherMap.
How to use OpenWeatherMap API
OpenWeatherMap requires an API key to make a request. For example to get the current weather conditions call:
uses myKey to request weather data for lat, long values of 35,139.
Current Weather:
Forecast for two days:
Acquiring current and forecast weather conditions
Current and forecast weather data is aquired with the following urls. The number of resulting forecast periods as given is for three. An OpenWeatherMap period is three hours and there are eight periods in 24 hours. The period can be changed by changing the 3 in cnt=3
to the desired value. There is a five day limit or 5*24/3 = 40 periods.
Typical current weather API call and response
A call to
results in:
"weather":[{"id":800,"main":"Clear","description":"clear sky","icon":"02n"}],
"base":"cmc stations",
Typical forecast weather API call and response
To get the forecast over three periods, a call to</code>
will result in:
"description":"clear sky",
"dt_txt":"2016-05-13 21:00:00"
"description":"scattered clouds",
"dt_txt":"2016-05-14 00:00:00"
"description":"light rain",
"dt_txt":"2016-05-14 03:00:00"
}] }
Error results
There may be a possibility of an error result.
Errorneous or null gps in Url
{"cod":"404","message":"Error: Not found city"}
Erroneous API key
{"cod":401, "message": "Invalid API key. Please see for more info."}
Notice the cod is the first is a String and a Integer in the second
I am unable to find a complete list of error codes. A successful current weather result has a "cod":200
value and a forecast has a value of "cod":"200""`, implying any other value is an error response. Although it would be nice to handle error responses differently.
Getting Data objects from service call results.
Results are in json and have many nested objects and each has an array. I shall define the java class for these as static inner from within CurrentWeatherData or ForecastWeatherData classes as appropriate. Both Rain and Snow data have a illegally named parameter of '3h'. These two classes have custom deserializers.
Current Weather Data Parameters
Current weather data parameters can be found here.
ForecastWeatherData Parameters
Forcast weather data parameters can be found here.
Testing the resulting data
The application will need to be able to take a json string representing either current or forecast data (cod 200 or "200") and turn it into the appropriate object instance. The resulting instance should have the correct data.
The application will need to be able to take a json string representing an unsuccessful weather data retrieval (any cod other than 200 or "200") and turn it into an error result instance object.
Making a network service call data request to OpenWeatherMap.
Requests over the network to OpenWeatherMap use HttpURLConnection and are bundled together in the OpenWeatherMapRequest class. The result is json. Network error should return null (unsuccessfully reaching OpenWeatherMap). OpenWeatherMap errors result in json that may be returned to the request giver.
There are three requests:
- get Current weather.
- get Forecast weather for two days (sixteen periods).
- get icon from weather icon.
Integration tests
Current and Forecast request results are asserted by integration tests which check to make sure the network call respond with expected results. Asserting the retrieval of icons is also an integration test, yet the app uses BitmapFactory on the result to get a Bitmap and as a result requires android instrumentation.
Asynchronous network requests with AsyncTasks
OpenWeatherMapRequest calls are blocking and must be called from within an AsyncTask implementation.
- GetCurrentWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask is used to retrieve the current weather conditions and returns the retrieved data in a CurrentWeatherData object. It requires a callback, latitude and longitude and returns a CurrentWeatherData instance or null. These values are passed in as Callback, Double, Double.
- GetForecastWeatherRetrieverAsyncTask is used to retrieve the forecast weather conditions and returns the retrieved data in a ForecastWeatherData object. It requires a latitude, longitude and period (the number of cycles). It returns a ForecastWeatherData instance or null.
- GetWeatherIconRetrieverAsyncTask is used to get the icon as a png for the weather. It requires an icon id. The id is obtained from weather.icon data. The result is a Bitmap or null.
(ATM, there is no caching, but when there is it will happen here.)
I have mocked out the OpenWeatherMapService and return a predetermined result for each test. This way each asyncTask can be isolated from its network call. Each test will basically resulting in the follwing steps.
- set up the MockOpenWeatherMapService to return the expected result
- Create a callback handler
- create the asyncTask
- make the call and wait
- assert it happened and has the expected result
The Main Activity
The MainActivity sets up the application, checks for permissions, loads and shows the fragments. The MainActivity is also responsible for checking location services available and alerting the user via AlertDialog if there and any setting that must be updated for the application to work correctly.
Getting permission
If the application is running on a build version greater than M, then the internet and location permission should be checks at runtime. The main activity checks for permission during onCreate() and possibly attempts to get permission. If The mainActivity gets to onResume and still needs permissions or needs to notify the user that it needs permission then a dialog box is shown.
The CurrentConditionsFragment is responsible for showing current weather data. In order to do this, during onResume() it must first check if it has permission to access the internet and location, if so it requests location at most every 45 seconds. once a location is received, it gets the currentWeatherData with an asyncTask. once the weather data is received, it is loaded into the view. the icon id is obtained from the data and an asyncTask is used to obtain a bitmap which is then loaded into the view.
The application should be tested with instrumentation to assert it loads correctly as well as handles permissions, network and location access correctly. It should also be tested to assert it correctly handles lack of permissions, network and location access scenarios.
Each fragment should be tested to assert it shows the correct views. Each fragment should be tested to be assured it handles receiving and responding to location updates. Each fragment sould be tested to be sure it correctly handles error and null results from the weather service.
OpenWeatherMap provides icons to be used to visually display the weather. To reduce the need to request then over the network once a new icon is retrieved it is saved locally to file and subsequent requests use the file to get the icon for result.