iamcco / coc-angular

Angular Language Service coc extension for (neo)vim

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Access object in htlm file

nxvu699134 opened this issue · comments




  • If I get attribute like in image, lsp alway mark it an error, but when I change to col['col_id'] that error was not happen

  • My environment

Angular CLI: 9.0.6
Node: 12.16.1
OS: linux x64

Any idea to fix that ?


No idea. It works for me, check your type of freezeColumns.


type of col is an object with some atts and it contain col_id. freezeColumns is an array of object

  freezeColumns: object[] = [
    { header_id: 'blabla', col_id: 'id'},
    { header_id: 'blabla1', col_id: 'id1'},

So it's expected.