iamSahdeep / liquid_swipe_flutter

A flutter based liquid swipe

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[Regression]Reveals a part of screen before swiping

SirusCodes opened this issue Β· comments

A part of screen already show which is not customizable 😞
On press of screen it just acts weird which is not expected...


Hey, Thanks for creating the first issue. I will respond in a day or two. If doesn't, feel free to ping me.

@SirusCodes thanks, I am making that side reveal customisable in upcoming release. But can you show me this touch issue, by providing any Apk or code to reproduce it?

        pages: [
            color: Colors.red,
            color: Colors.green,
            color: Colors.blue,
        enableLoop: false,
        onPageChangeCallback: (activePageIndex) {
          setState(() {
            _enableSlideIcon = activePageIndex != 2;
        positionSlideIcon: .5,
        ignoreUserGestureWhileAnimating: true,
        slideIconWidget: _enableSlideIcon
            ? const Icon(
                color: Colors.white,
                size: 40,
            : null,

And that is not cliping the StatelessWidgets. Do we really need that clip?

Gotcha, let's make it conditional, that touch issue is also cause of clip while getting backward gesture. It would take a bit time, I am occupied with something else these days.
If you want a quick fix in your fork.

  • make this return 0
  • and also make this return 0

Thanks a lot @iamSahdeep you are one of the amazing maintainers who puts in a lot of efforts on their project!!

@SirusCodes Thanks :)

added it in version v2.0.2.
field name : enableSideReveal