iamFIREcracker / clotho

Work in progress: A presentation server for Lisp programs, implemented in Electron

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


mikel evins mikel@evins.net

Named after the Fate who weaves our destiny, Clotho is an experimental presentation server for Lisp programs, implemented with Electron.

How to build and run it

  1. Install SBCL http://www.sbcl.org/platform-table.html

  2. Install node.js and npm. The easiest way is to use nvm: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating

    The current version of this software is developed with: nvm v1.1.8 node.js v14.15.2

  3. Using git, clone this repository

  4. Build the presenter application cd into the clotho/presenter directory If you're on Windows, run npm-install.bat, using CMD run the build script (build.sh in bash on macOS and Linux; build.bat in CMD on Windows)

  5. Load the Lisp code Run SBCL and load clotho.asd Eval the following forms:

    (asdf:load-system :clotho) ; to load the system definition

    (clotho::launch-presenter) ; to launch the Clotho presenter app

    (remote-js:eval clotho::remote-js-context "alert('hello!')") ; to send some Javascript to the presentation server

    (remote-js:eval remote-js-context "presenter.ipcSend('quit')") ; to ask the presenter app to quit




Work in progress: A presentation server for Lisp programs, implemented in Electron

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Common Lisp 68.8%Language:JavaScript 19.0%Language:HTML 9.7%Language:Batchfile 1.5%Language:Shell 1.1%